Off late, the peer group has started inquiring and thus occasionally the question crops up-so what did you write latest! And then I say, well.. let me see the date of the last post I have come up with on my blog.
And I noticed that I have penned nothing great and infact I have committed some serious and some non serious crimes(as they call it in a B school) with my pen like writing 3 extra sheets in ‘ Organisation Development paper’ and scribbling on a paper like a biddable, meek and submissive school kiddo ready for DCP in the marketing classes to get some score in class participation prodigally assuming that the Prof. would atleast acknowledge your sincerity in the class after looking your constant nodding of head and some scribbling!
But if you assume, you tend to make an ass out of you and me (acknowledging ‘ Silence of the Lambs’—one good thing after MBA happened to me, I have started giving references, because the plagiarism filters are extra sensitive here at XIMB), but you have to keep on trying in the hope that atleast some Prof. would someday write the new testament for sincerity detection!
Now, when you see some post these days, you tend to share the link on Facebook and get some eye balls, it doesn’t inspire you to write something instead.
I always say to my friends, that my management education has ruined my literary skills, if at all you do not count drafting a docx. file for a final submission on ‘ Strategic evolution of Tata in India’ in the list of same skills, for which you almost get the Nobel peace prize by your group mates everytime you faff and stuff in pages by the facts already known but rephrased.

Now I am not proclaiming to be the one of the better writers between 4° N and 37° 6' North Latitude and 68° 7 ' and 97° 25 ' East Longitudes, prior to coming to Bhubaneswar ,its just that I used to savor the pen, because I used to read, I used to contemplate, and I used to experience. 1 year and 2 months of management education has taken a lot from me as a person who used to have a hobby. Now as one is supposed to do in a management institute, I read Mckinsey Quarterly, try to decipher Bloomberg Data findings and experience a false sense of superiority, arising out of complex and self concocted web of hidden and hurt egos of a typical mba.
Hurt because, every other day you find someone else in the newspapers making some else sense out of the same fact, than you used to envisage was right. Now, that will make you do 1 thing, you will think you can never conclude why did you decide to do MBA in the first place.
Most of these guys and gals here are geeky engineers, some of them were not getting the opportunity to be onsite (a typical jargon used to describe the foreign location where the client is actually located), some of them were not getting recognition for their work-frustration -they call it, and finally some thought that a management education will help them in better prospects and then there are some people, who thought well it would be really nice idea to go back to a college and have fun for 2 years more before they could really face the grind.
And to mention, just the shade of what the lucky souls actually get is fancy remix of holy and sacred –
Another brick in the wall courtesy Sir Pink Floyd,
Stand next by Lord Jimi Hendrix,
Thunderstruck by Majesty AC/DC and
Beat It by His Highness and Long Live MJ.
Remix because you are simultaneously listening to all of them at the peak of the volumes of the speakers and beats, coming down heavily from the rooms of 4 different rooms adjacent to each other, belonging to 4 different seniors on B Top. Now that makes sure another thing, no juni. can play as loud as music as seniors can, atleast in the first term so as not to connive in the scheme of beats seniors would listen!
Suffering writing Overdose now and by the fear of getting bore if I move further!
Signing off..Time to pick the Bass!
30 August, 2010
03.50 am,
B 178,
Xavier Square