It was holi as usual once again..another year..another holi
Something was knocking deep inside…hey!! Wasup?? Wat r the holi plans…….i peeped inside….and the reply came back…nay man..nothing special this time around too…floundering on the roads..chasing some slicky gals..and then a visit to FUN CITY or YORKS like other holies.
t was a week ago when one mah frens ,Puneet came to me and proposed to do something special on this holi.
holi famous Gujjias were distributed among the kids and the staff of PRAYAAS along with 5 STARS chocolates and bananas…..it was more looking like a bday party rather than a HOLI celebration. Indeed it was a special occasion … Special for me and special for all of us…more than those kids of PRAYAAS..coz m not sure whether we made a difference in their lives,,but they have certainly made a difference to our lives…by making this holi one of the most memorable one.
We went there to make this holi special for them but I realized that perhaps they have something to offer to us…a gap filling in our busy lives by understanding these special and lovely kids..and a pause to realize that there are people around us who need us and who need our affection and love more than nothing else!
Celebrating holi with GOD’s own children was an experience of its own kind….wish u cud be there folks..!! :)
People who visited PRAYAAS- Abhay (Me ofcourse), Nipun, Deepika, Puneet,Sonia,Shweta,Shivam,Rohini,Ashima,Madhur, Deepak,Avneet,Anubhav, Sanam,Saurabh,Shubham,Amrit,Ankit, Ankur,Ravi and my apologies to all those whom I have forget to mention.
Something was knocking deep inside…hey!! Wasup?? Wat r the holi plans…….i peeped inside….and the reply came back…nay man..nothing special this time around too…floundering on the roads..chasing some slicky gals..and then a visit to FUN CITY or YORKS like other holies.
t was a week ago when one mah frens ,Puneet came to me and proposed to do something special on this holi.

Finally a Visit to PRAYAAS ,a school for mentally challenged kids was organized . we took along with ourselves BDAY caps..though iot was holi but the caps helped to create the atmosphere to build up the spirit…peepnis—the small honk sound producing gadget ;), created the euphoria that we were almost the part of those special kids…{I remember last time I bought that peepni was when I was in 5th standard and my dad took me to the dussehra ground for watching the spectacle of burning of effigies of evils…so thanks.. hey u kids…..u gave my childhood back to me :) }

People who visited PRAYAAS- Abhay (Me ofcourse), Nipun, Deepika, Puneet,Sonia,Shweta,Shivam,Rohini,Ashima,Madhur, Deepak,Avneet,Anubhav, Sanam,Saurabh,Shubham,Amrit,Ankit, Ankur,Ravi and my apologies to all those whom I have forget to mention.
i wish i could attend the prayaas event..anyways how r the kids there??
i hope they remember me...
will always remeber that i missed this event:(
i would like to sincerely thanks ABHAY for organising such a great event and that also on my BIRTHDAY........what could i have asked for more!!!. it my life's greatest gift that i visited PRAYAAS..... thanks Abhay very much....... i am now looking to more of such events being organised in future... thanks ABHAY very much once again!!!
thats lovely pics!! its wonderful to see those happy faces.
good work.
ps: enjoyed the music as well.
you shud be proud of urself brother... you spread happiness all over on the occasion of holi... instead of running around like hooligans and throwing gubbaras, this was something different and so satisfying, right!
keep it up...
thanks Pranay..ya it was very much satisfying.!
Thanks to u as well Ravi!
That was so sweet....I dont know if they or you can understand how much of a difference you made especially to those who work there..Isnt it gr8 to see them smile??
nw wat to say??? abhay u hav already expressed evrything... jus one thing to say... as my own brother is one of those special ones... i cant express hw it feels to b among them... bt hey... thanx to u n evrybdy whosover responsible 4 our visit dere.. and above all GOD.. 4 granting us dis opportunity... jus a pray in front of him.. hey god u knw well why u send someone wid such disabilities in dis world.. jus giv us dat vision and understanding wich l enable us to understand dis and understand dem also... n plz provide dem wid caring,loving,generous and kind peole around..
That was great. What may I ask you is the central message of Holi?
That was really nice of u buddy ...
U can be proud of urself...
That was a really nice thing that you guys did.. Kids like these need people, more than anything. Last Diwali, I spent at a similar place around here... And it was so touching! The kids are so loving!
It's my request that you check out www.mmsc-manipal.com and register for the convention. I'm sure you will enjoy it. Who wouldn't, when they meet like-minded people...
dat was really a wonderful act by all u guys....its nice 2 c ppl doin dis fr dose who really need such kind of attention.
awesome yaar..
such a special way to cel holi..
too gud yaar...
even i will try to do something of this sort sometime..
that was indeed a wonderful way to spend a religious festival..hats off to all u guys and gals, who sacrificed a day of fun and frolic with ur family and frnds to spend with ppl u didnt even know...u definitely made an impact
tht was such a sweet holi! kudos!
very inspiring..
thanks all you frens and fellow boggers for the appreciation....!
thanks all you frens and fellow boggers for the appreciation....!
great work dude..
it's gud to see ppl like u doing such things..
keep rockin!
wot can i say man...only few people have a heart to think about these children...to make them smile...to love them...
great work man...
whr is prayas by da way???
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